Raoul S. Concepcion, MD


A Call to Educate

March 4th 2017

Raoul S. Concepcion, MD, calls for increased oncology education and information sharing among the urology community across the globe, as urologists play a critical role in delivering and managing cancer treatment.

The Times They Are a Changin'

January 5th 2017

As a result of the most recent presidential election, it is a big unknown what the new administration will bring as it relates to the future of healthcare in the US.

In Politics, Not Everybody Works Well Together

August 11th 2016

The lack of cooperation and inability to compromise, at the expense of our country’s best interests, has resulted in gridlock.

Troubles Ahead

June 25th 2016

Over the past few months, an alarming number of events have surfaced that we, as providers of oncologic urology care, should take notice.

Dr. Concepcion Discusses Healthcare's Transition Away From Fee-For-Service

November 6th 2015

Raoul S. Concepcion, MD, FACS, director of Advanced Therapeutics at Urology Associates, PC, discusses healthcare's movement away from fee-for-service reimbursements.

Grasp of Clinical Science Now a Necessity in Urologic Oncology

June 17th 2015

The world of precision medicine is upon us and we as providers, especially those involved in the management of oncology patients, will need to be conversant and have an understanding of these various pathways and drivers in order to more effectively manage our patients

The Challenge: Involving Urologists in Cancer Care

April 13th 2015

Management of elevated PSAs, or the next testing equivalent, and prostate cancer should default to the urology world, just like always.

Preparing for the Future

December 15th 2014

In attending the Society of Urologic Oncology's annual meeting in Bethesda in early December, I was struck by the number of presentations focusing sharply on the burgeoning fields of biomolecular markers and immunotherapy and their application to urologic oncology.

Game Changers in Prostate Cancer

October 23rd 2014

Over the past 6 months, we have had two studies that will profoundly affect our management of advanced prostate cancer patients.

A Call to Arms

September 8th 2014

The year was 1989, and I was one year away from finishing six years of residency in general surgery and urology.

It's Not About the Organ

July 24th 2014

I am sure that those of you who attended the AUA meeting in Orlando were struck by the number of presentations on the use of biomarkers and their role in better risk stratification and management of the urologic oncology patient.

Changes in Urology

May 15th 2014

In urology, we are faced with very difficult and challenging times.

What Does Good Look Like?

March 20th 2014

When I first entered practice in 1990, I was fortunate to have senior partners and colleagues who offered sage advice, much of it based on retrospective analysis of their own successes and failures over time.

The History of Integrated Practice

January 21st 2014

We enjoyed record attendance this year by both physicians and administrators, and despite the pressures of groups being purchased by integrated hospital systems, the organization continues to grow.

Dr. Concepcion on Urologist Practice Challenges

January 3rd 2014

Raoul Concepcion, MD, director of clinical research, urologic surgeon, Urology Associates, PC, in Nashville, Tennessee discusses some of the challenges that independent and community urologists face.

Lessons From the Great Lakes

October 22nd 2013

We as physicians, especially surgeons, tend to operate on the same principle: When things go bad, especially when revenue goes down, we just work harder and see more patients, with the expectation that it will correct and we can maintain.

The Urologist in the World of Personalized Medicine

August 21st 2013

We should move away from directing therapy based on the primary site of malignancy and focus our efforts on inherent pathways common to the tumors, irrespective of the organ.

Dr. Concepcion on Robotic Surgery Adverse Event Spikes

May 24th 2013

Raoul S. Concepcion, MD, from the Urology Associates, PC, Nashville, TN, discusses a recent FDA investigation into spikes in reported adverse events associated with the use of robotic-assisted surgery.

Dr. Concepcion on the AUA PSA Screening Guidelines

May 9th 2013

Raoul S. Concepcion, MD, from Urology Associates, PC, discusses the new guidelines on prostate cancer screening that were issued by the American Urological Association.

"Brothers in Arms"

May 7th 2013

We need to begin to migrate toward a system that embraces evidence-based medicine, and begin the development of protocols and the measurement of quality metrics.