Pei-Chun McGregor, MD


Dr. McGregor on the Goals of ADT in Prostate Cancer

July 23rd 2019

Pei-Chun McGregor, MD, cardio-oncologist and director of Ambulatory Cardiology at VA Boston Healthcare System, instructor in medicine, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, discusses the goals of androgen deprivation therapy (ADT) in the treatment of patients with prostate cancer.

Dr. McGregor on the Goal of the PRONOUNCE Trial in Prostate Cancer

June 28th 2019

Pei-Chun McGregor, MD, cardio-oncologist and director of Ambulatory Cardiology at VA Boston Healthcare System, instructor in medicine, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, discusses the hope for the phase IIb PRONOUNCE trial in prostate cancer.

Dr. McGregor on Guidelines Regarding ADT-Associated Cardiac AEs in Prostate Cancer

June 19th 2019

Pei-Chun McGregor, MD, cardio-oncologist and director of Ambulatory Cardiology at VA Boston Healthcare System, instructor in medicine, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, discusses guidelines regarding androgen deprivation therapy (ADT)-associated cardiac adverse events (AEs) in prostate cancer.

Dr. McGregor on Data Evaluating the Link Between Cardiac Complications and ADT in Prostate Cancer

May 15th 2019

Pei-Chun McGregor, MD, cardio-oncologist and director of Ambulatory Cardiology at VA Boston Healthcare System, instructor in medicine, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, discusses the data behind the potential link between cardiac complications and androgen deprivation therapy (ADT) in prostate cancer.