Noah Merin, MD, PhD


Future Directions in Chronic GvHD

August 9th 2023

Dr. Chaudhary and Dr. Merin discuss potential areas for exploration and unmet needs in the chronic GvHD treatment landscape.

Real World Data on the Use of Ruxolitinib and Treatment Selection in chronic GvHD

August 9th 2023

Discussion centered around real-world data following the approval of ruxolitinib as a treatment option for patients with chronic GvHD as well as discussing treatment selection for patients with chronic GvHD, with special consideration for treatment sequencing.

Key Efficacy Data of Ibrutinib and Belumosudil in Steroid-Refractory Chronic GvHD Patients

August 2nd 2023

A brief review of the key efficacy data for two treatment options, Ibrutinib and Belumosudil, in patients with chronic GvHD.

Understanding Mechanisms of Action: Ruxolitinib, Ibrutinib, and Belumosudil

August 2nd 2023

Dr. Merin describes the mechanisms of action of ruxolitinib, ibrutinib, and belumosudil and shares clinical pearls for community oncologists on methods for achieving response with these agents.

Role of Ruxolitinib in Steroid-Refractory Chronic GvHD

July 26th 2023

Dr. Chaudhary introduces data supporting the use of ruxolitinib as a first-line option in patients with steroid-refractory chronic GvHD.

Defining and Managing Steroid Refractory Chronic GvHD

July 26th 2023

Dr. Merin defines steroid refractory chronic GvHD, explains how to determine when patients become steroid-refractory and discusses treatment approach for this population.

First-line Treatment for Patients with Chronic GvHD

July 19th 2023

Expert clinicians discuss first-line treatment methodologies for chronic GvHD, with a focus on tailoring treatments to the patient.

The Chronic GvHD Landscape: Risk Factors and Diagnosis

July 19th 2023

Preet M. Chaudhary, MD, PhD and Noah Merin, MD, PhD review how chronic GvHD is diagnosed, the different types of chronic GvHD, and key risk factors for the disease.