Marcus Neubauer, MD


Can New Oncology Payment Programs Help Stabilize Medicare?

October 30th 2019

Studies have raised doubts about the value Medicare and other payers are getting for the care they pay for, including in oncology. This has intensified the demand for new value-based care models such as the Merit-based Incentive Payment System and the Oncology Care Model.

5 Key Elements Needed to Achieve Success With the Oncology Care Model

May 2nd 2018

Marcus Neubauer, MD, discusses the tools needed for a practice to succeed with the Oncology Care Model.

Top 3 Must Do's to Prepare for Managed Care in 2016

March 24th 2016

Although there still are many unknowns, especially in light of this being an election year that will bring a new administration, it’s already very clear how the transition to value is affecting oncology practices.

Oncologists Must Take Lead Role in Developing Clinical Pathways

February 7th 2016

Pathways are effective tools for reducing unnecessary variability in care, a key factor in achieving better outcomes and more predictable costs.

CMS Standards for Reporting Call for Advanced Technology, Training

August 8th 2015

Many oncology practices have already made progress in adding appropriate personnel and implementing technology solutions, such as EHR, to enhance their ability to document and report care plans and patient event data. However, to be successful in meeting the specific criteria set forth in the OCM, most existing EHRs will need to be enhanced.

Physician Quandary: Data Shortage, Surfeit Impinge on Precision Medicine

April 18th 2015

Like all new ideas or technologies, rapidly occurring changes present both opportunities and challenges for everyone involved, including government, patients, payers and physicians.

Clinical Pathways Can Lead to Cost Savings, Better Care

December 18th 2014

Several initiatives that have a dramatic impact on healthcare today were born during that time–managed care, transitioning away from inpatient care toward outpatient care, and the introduction of clinical pathways.