Jonathan Bertman, MD


Nothing Is Ever Simple with Windows

May 14th 2010

In last month's column, I talked about Microsoft's newest desktop operating system, Windows 7, and outlined several reasons why you might want to purchase it when it comes out this year. Windows 7 will include some really cool features-like multi-touch technology and usability improvements-that can benefit medical practitioners and their office staff. Because it is in Microsoft's best interest to make the process of upgrading to Windows 7 simple and straightforward, you would think the software giant would put great effort into streamlining the experience.

I will get $44,000 to Use an EHR? Where do I Sign Up?

May 22nd 2009

The recently enacted American Recovery & Reinvestment Act, commonly referred to as the "stimulus plan," includes more than $19 billion in incentives for physicians to adopt EHR technology.

Social Networking Comes of Age

May 21st 2009

Does it seem like everyone in the world has suddenly created a profile on Facebook and wants to become your "friend?" If you already use social networking sites like Facebook, MySpace, Friendster, and Twitter, then read no further.

The ABCs of Location-based Services

March 23rd 2009

The hottest trend right now in mobile communications is location-based services on smartphones.

The Incredible Shrinking Notebook

February 18th 2009

As anyone who has lugged a notebook computer through an airport can attest, even today’s sleekest machines feel heavy after a few hours.