Eleni Efstathiou, MD, PhD


Final Thoughts on CSPC

July 17th 2024

Experts offer concluding remarks on castration-sensitive prostate cancer, sharing their perspectives on the evolving field and expressing their aspirations for future advancements in disease treatment.

Patient Case 2: Metastatic CSPC

July 17th 2024

Key opinion leaders outline a case study of a patient with metastatic castration-sensitive prostate cancer, detailing the chosen treatment approaches and the overall outcome of the case.

Patient Case 1: Non-Metastatic CSPC with Rapidly Doubling PSA

July 10th 2024

Experts present a case study of a patient with non-metastatic castration-sensitive prostate cancer exhibiting rapid PSA doubling, highlighting the clinical implications and potential treatment considerations.

The Role of PSA Doubling Time in Risk Assessment

July 10th 2024

Specialists examine non-metastatic castration-sensitive prostate cancer cases, evaluating the significance of PSA doubling time and the reliability of biomarkers in risk assessment for these patients.

The EMBARK trial investigating enzalutamide in NM CSPC

July 3rd 2024

Prostate cancer experts analyze the EMBARK trial, emphasizing the potential impact of an androgen receptor inhibitor in the treatment of non-metastatic castration-sensitive prostate cancer.

Evolving Treatment Paradigm and NCCN Guideline Updates

July 3rd 2024

Key opinion leaders examine the treatment landscape for castration-sensitive prostate cancer, highlighting prevalent first-line approaches and discussing the role of androgen deprivation therapy in the treatment paradigm.

Risk Stratification and Prognostic Markers in castration-sensitive prostate cancer

June 26th 2024

The panel of prostate cancer experts explores risk stratification methodologies and prognostic markers for castration-sensitive prostate cancer, emphasizing crucial factors that influence patient categorization and treatment decisions.

Testing Principes and Benefits of Early Intervention in Castration-Sensitive Prostate Cancer

June 26th 2024

Key opinion leaders examine the principles and advantages of early intervention strategies for patients with castration-sensitive prostate cancer.

Optimizing Care of Patients With Advanced Prostate Cancer: Conclusion

February 9th 2024

Summarizes the main points and benefits of multidisciplinary prostate cancer care.

Clinical Case 4: Radiation Therapy

February 2nd 2024

Covers key factors in deciding on radiation treatment.

Clinical Case 3: Extensive Lymph Node Disease

February 2nd 2024

Discusses treatment options for advanced metastatic disease.

Clinical Case 2: Solitary Lymph Node

January 30th 2024

Looks at approaches for isolated lymph node involvement.

Clinical Case 1b: Elderly Patient Surgery

January 30th 2024

Examines the considerations for operating on older prostate cancer patients.

Clinical Case 1a: Elevated PSA

January 19th 2024

Reviews a case of a patient with high PSA but no other symptoms.

Supporting Professional Relationships

January 19th 2024

Explains the importance of respect and collaboration between care providers.

Patient Involvement in Decision Making

January 12th 2024

Focuses on patients being active participants in their treatment choices.

The Value of a Coordinated Care Team

January 12th 2024

Highlights the advantages of various providers working together for patient care.

The Benefits of Multidisciplinary Care in Prostate Cancer Management

January 12th 2024

Panel discusses how collaboration between specialties improves patient outcomes.

Optimizing Care of Patients With Advanced Prostate Cancer: Introduction

December 19th 2023

Brief background on prostate cancer and overview of the program.

Dr. Efstathiou on Niraparib Plus Abiraterone Acetate in mCRPC

February 22nd 2023

Eleni Efstathiou, MD, PhD, discusses second interim findings from a subgroup analysis of the phase 3 MAGNITUDE trial in patients with BRCA-mutated metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer.