Craig Cole, MD


Putting Culturally Competent Care into Practice

November 4th 2022

Joseph Mikhael, MD, and Craig Cole, MD, close the program by sharing examples of times culturally competent care was paramount to the treatment of their patients.

Disparities in Multiple Myeloma Care: The Path Toward Health Equity

October 28th 2022

Expert panelists share their closing thoughts on the path to improve health equity in multiple myeloma management for racial and ethnic minority groups.

Advice on Delivering Culturally Competent Care for Community Physicians

October 27th 2022

Craig Cole, MD, shares advice for community physicians on providing culturally competent care to patients with multiple myeloma that embraces their beliefs, spiritualities, and ethnicities.

The Barriers to Quality Care for Black American Patients with Multiple Myeloma

October 27th 2022

A key opinion leader lists the factors that affect access to quality care for Black Americans with multiple myeloma.

Addressing Healthcare Provider Bias in Multiple Myeloma Management

October 21st 2022

Joint consideration for physician bias in the management of multiple myeloma and how it can be addressed while treating patients belonging to racial and ethnic minority groups.

Improving Access to Clinical Trials in Multiple Myeloma

October 21st 2022

Centering discussion clinical trials in multiple myeloma, panelists review how to improve access to these studies for racial and ethnic minority groups.

Multiple Myeloma Clinical Trial Enrollment in the Black American Population

October 20th 2022

An expert discusses the stigmas behind clinical trials and the shockingly low rate of enrollment by Black Americans with multiple myeloma.

Spreading Multiple Myeloma Awareness in the Local Community

October 20th 2022

Dr Craig Cole explains why awareness about multiple myeloma needs to be raised in Black American communities by healthcare workers.

Improving Access to Specialty Care in Multiple Myeloma

October 14th 2022

Experts on multiple myeloma share comprehensive insight on how to build better access to specialty care for patients of racial and ethnic minority groups.

Overcoming Barriers to Early Diagnosis in Multiple Myeloma

October 14th 2022

Expert perspectives on how to improve the early detection of multiple myeloma within patients belonging to racial and ethnic minority groups.

Barriers in the Diagnosis of Multiple Myeloma for Patients

October 13th 2022

Craig Cole, MD, describes the barriers that can affect the diagnosis of multiple myeloma.

Examining the Roots of Health Disparities in Multiple Myeloma

October 13th 2022

Joseph Mikhael, MD, introduces the topic of disparities in multiple myeloma and the concept of multicultural health care.

Multiple Myeloma: Disparities in Access to Transplantation and Novel Therapy

October 7th 2022

Closing out their review of the barriers racial and ethnic minority groups encounter in receiving care, expert panelists address access to transplantation or novel therapy.

Multiple Myeloma: Disparities in Access to Specialized Care

October 7th 2022

Comprehensive discussion on access to specialized care and how racial and ethnic minority groups encounter barriers in this setting.

Multiple Myeloma: Disparities in Time to Diagnosis

September 30th 2022

Panelists address how racial and ethnic minority groups experience disparity in time to diagnosis within the multiple myeloma treatment pathway.

Societal Determinants of Health in Multiple Myeloma

September 30th 2022

Expert panelists shift their attention to how social determinants of multiple myeloma impact the treatment received by racial and ethnic minority groups.

Biological Determinants of Health in Multiple Myeloma

September 23rd 2022

Focused discussion on the biological determinants of multiple myeloma and how its prevalence is reflected in racial and ethnic minority groups.

Overview of Multiple Myeloma and Health Equity

September 23rd 2022

Joseph Mikhael, MD, spearheads an overview on the prevalence of multiple myeloma in racial and ethnic minority groups in the context of health equity.