Brandon Scalea


BTK Inhibitors Show Continued Promise in CLL

July 16th 2019

Brian T. Hill, MD, PhD, highlights the latest data with BTK inhibitors in chronic lymphocytic leukemia.

Blood-Based Markers Key to Precision Medicine Approach in Breast Cancer

July 9th 2019

Mark E. Burkard, MD, PhD, discussed the significance of utilizing markers in the blood and highlighted emerging actionable mutations in breast cancer.

Dimopoulos Highlights Benefit of Elotuzumab Triplet in Relapsed/Refractory Myeloma

July 2nd 2019

Meletios A. Dimopoulos, MD, discusses where the triplet combination of elotuzumab (Empliciti), pomalidomide (Pomalyst), and low-dose dexamethasone fits into the treatment paradigm of relapsed/refractory multiple myeloma and shared unanswered questions that remain in the space.

Adding PD-1 Inhibitor to Dabrafenib/Trametinib May Improve Outcomes in BRAF+ Melanoma

June 28th 2019

Ryan J. Sullivan, MD, discusses the success with dabrafenib (Tafinlar) plus trametinib (Mekinist) and highlights the potential added benefit of spartalizumab in BRAF-mutant with melanoma.

Novel Strategies Explored to Optimize Osimertinib Treatment and Beyond in EGFR+ NSCLC

June 26th 2019

Mark G. Kris, MD, discusses the latest data with osimertinib (Tagrisso) and shared unanswered questions that remain in EGFR-positive non–small cell lung cancer.

Telaglenastat/Cabozantinib Combo Shows Early Activity in mRCC

June 25th 2019

Funda Meric-Bernstam, MD, discusses the potential for the combination of telaglenastat (CB-839) and cabozantinib (Cabometyx) in the treatment of metastatic renal cell carcinoma.

Pembrolizumab Plus Olaparib Shows Potential in Heavily Pretreated mCRPC

June 24th 2019

Evan Y. Yu, MD, discusses updated data from cohort A of the KEYNOTE-365 trial in patients with metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer.

Study Sheds Light on Incidence Patterns of Early-Onset CRC

June 24th 2019

Ana Acuna-Villaorduna, MD, provides further insight into the study that compares age and race as factors for the incidence of early-onset colorectal cancer.

Expert Makes Case for Frontline Targeted Therapy in Select MCL Subtypes

June 21st 2019

Ezzat Elhassadi, MD, highlights research being done to address the unmet need of patients with p53-mutant mantle cell lymphoma and the challenges faced in the current treatment paradigm.

Novel Combos, Predictive Biomarkers Slated as Future of HCC Treatment

June 19th 2019

Anthony B. El-Khoueiry, MD, provides insight on the rapidly evolving treatment options in hepatocellular carcinoma.

Lead Investigator Shares Early Data With Ibrutinib Maintenance in MCL

June 19th 2019

Reem Karmali, MD, MS, shares early data with ibrutinib maintenance therapy and highlights recent advances and challenges in the treatment of patients with mantle cell lymphoma.

Tumor Sidedness Opens Door for Personalized Therapy in Colorectal Cancer

June 17th 2019

Sujatha Nallapareddy, MD, discusses how personalized therapy has improved the outlook for patients with colorectal cancer and sheds light on some of the challenges that lie ahead.

Ramucirumab/TAS-102 Combo Aims to Overcome Toxicities in Gastric/GEJ Cancer

June 12th 2019

Rutika Mehta, MD, MPH, provides insight on the ongoing study combining TAS-102 with ramucirumab in the treatment of patients with advanced gastric/GEJ cancer.

Avelumab/Axitinib Combo Biomarker Analysis May Lend Insight to Complex RCC Landscape

June 11th 2019

Toni Choueiri, MD, discusses the biomarker analysis results from JAVELIN Renal 101 and provided insight on where the renal cell carcinoma field stands following pivotal data presented at the 2019 ASCO Annual Meeting.

Expert Excited for Next Steps With CAR-T in Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma

June 10th 2019

Ahmed Galal, MD, sheds light on the current use of CAR T-cell therapy in relapsed/refractory lymphomas and a handful of strategies to expand the reach of this therapy.

Sorting Through Unanswered Questions in Ovarian Cancer

June 10th 2019

Thanh H. Dellinger, MD, provides insight on the treatment of patients with newly diagnosed advanced ovarian cancer.

Navigating Between High- and Low-Intensity Treatment Options in AML

June 9th 2019

Thomas W. LeBlanc, MD, shares advice for community oncologists on to how to better navigate the complex treatment paradigm of acute myeloid leukemia.

TKI Discontinuation Still an Unclear Picture in CML

June 7th 2019

Lindsay A.M. Rein, MD, discusses the current state of TKI discontinuation in patients with chronic myeloid leukemia.

Expert Highlights Current State of Severe Aplastic Anemia

June 6th 2019

Carlos Manuel de Castro III, MD, highlights current treatment approaches for severe aplastic anemia and some of the unmet needs that still exist.

Targeted Therapies Advance Treatment in AML, But Toxicity Challenges Remain

June 5th 2019

Harry P. Erba, MD, PhD, provides insight into how to navigate through the targeted therapies available in the treatment of acute myeloid leukemia and discussed the work that lies ahead in this space.