Axel Grothey, MD, West Cancer Center & Research Institute


Open Questions and Future Directions in mCRC

February 4th 2021

Experts in CRC discuss questions and management of mCRC.

Using Molecular Testing to Guide Treatment Selection in mCRC

February 4th 2021

John Marshall, MD, and Axel Grothey, MD, discuss how molecular testing results guide treatment decisions in patients with mCRC.

TAS-102 in Third or Fourth Line for mCRC

February 1st 2021

Experts in mCRC review data on TAS-102 and discuss how best to sequence therapies in the third or fourth line.

Regorafenib in Third or Fourth Line for mCRC: Safety in the Re-DOS Trial

February 1st 2021

Axel Grothey, MD, and John Marshall, MD, discuss safety results from the ReDOS study of regorafenib in patients with mCRC.

Regorafenib in Third or Fourth Line for mCRC: Efficacy in the Re-DOS Trial

February 1st 2021

John Marshall, MD, reviews efficacy data from the ReDOS study of regorafenib in patients with mCRC.

Therapy After Progression in mCRC

February 1st 2021

Experts in metastatic colorectal cancer review therapeutic options after progression for patients with mCRC.

Maintenance or Chemo-Free Interval in mCRC

January 29th 2021

Experts in metastatic colorectal cancer discuss when and in which patients to use a chemotherapy-free treatment interval.

Optimizing First-Line Therapy in mCRC

January 29th 2021

Axel Grothey, MD, and John Marshall, MD, discuss strategies for optimizing first-line treatment in metastatic colorectal cancer and the role of adjuvant therapy.

First-Line Options in mCRC

January 22nd 2021

Axel Grothey, MD, and John Marshall, MD, discuss first-line treatment options in patients with metastatic colorectal cancer.

Treatment Considerations in mCRC

January 22nd 2021

Axel Grothey, MD, discusses factors that influence treatment selection in patients with mCRC.