Adnan F. Danish, MD


Dr Danish on Post-CAR T-Cell Bridging Radiation Therapy Eligibility in High-Risk NHL

November 29th 2023

Adnan F. Danish, MD, discusses findings from a study evaluating the prevalence of patients with high-risk non-Hodgkin lymphoma who were eligible for bridging radiation therapy prior to receiving CAR T-cell therapy, as well as the outcomes of these patients following CAR T-cell therapy.

Dr Danish on the Potential for Treatment with SCINTIX Radiation Technology in Lung and Bone Cancers

August 8th 2023

Adnan F. Danish, MD, discusses the potential for SCINTIX radiation technology to open new treatment opportunities for patients with cancer, including those with lung and bone cancers, whose disease has metastasized to more than 5 sites.

Dr Danish on the Potential Use of SCINTIX Radiation Technology in Bone and Lung Tumors

August 2nd 2023

Adnan F. Danish, MD, discusses the methodologies behind the use of SCINTIX radiation technology in metastatic bone and lung tumors, detailing how this technology differs from computed tomography or magnetic resonance imaging scans prior to treatment.

Dr Danish on the Use of SCINTIX Radiation Technology in Metastatic Bone and Lung Tumors

July 20th 2023

Adnan F. Danish, MD, discusses the use of SCINTIX radiation technology in metastatic bone and lung tumors.

Dr Danish on the Challenges of Radiation Treatment in Lung and Bone Cancers

July 17th 2023

Adnan F. Danish, MD, discusses unmet needs in the treatment of patients with lung and bone cancers, and how unmet needs within this patient population are being addressed with the utilization of SCINTIX radiation technology.

Dr Danish on the Use of Novel Radiotherapy Approaches in Cancer Care

July 13th 2023

Adnan F. Danish, MD, discusses the use of novel radiotherapy approaches in cancer care.